Roofs don’t last a lifetime. At some point, everyone needs to contact professionals to conduct a roof repair or replacement. Doing so will keep your roof in great shape all year round and help you maintain your warranty. However, there are some things that other roofing contractors in Mobile, Alabama will gloss over and won’t tell every customer.
At Ethos, our top priority is homeowner education. We strive to educate, inform, and share knowledge with homeowners all across Alabama to help them maintain the condition of their roofs.
Essential Facts about your Roof from our Roofing Contractors in Mobile, Alabama
Today, we will discuss some of the top insights we’ve gained over the years to help boost your home improvement knowledge.
1. Roof Maintenace Negligence Can End Up Costing You
In the long run, the time and energy you put into maintaining your roof will make a world of difference. Regular maintenance can extend the lifespan of your roof by several years if done properly. We know it's the last thing you want to do during your weekend, but the reward of regularly maintaining your roof will be worth it.
If you continue to push off roof maintenance, you will soon see the effects. It’s only a matter of time until your roof suffers damage and you’ll start to see leaks and signs of external damage too. Not only that, but those occurrences of damage will also make a huge dent in your wallet.
To avoid extreme property damage, you’ll need to take care of some crucial tasks at least once a year. This roofing maintenance may include:
- Trimming or pruning tree branches
- Inspecting your flashing and cleaning away any rust that may form
- Clearing out your gutter systems at least twice a year (in the spring and fall)
- And removing any moss growths or debris from your roof
Have you noticed any interior or exterior signs of roof damage? If so, contact a reliable roofer near you today to address those repairs.
2. Ceiling Stains Can Take Weeks, Months or Longer to Form
As a homeowner, you always need to be on the lookout for signs of leaks or roof damage. You can tell something might be wrong if a ceiling stain appears. It's not always easy to tell if your roof has been damaged, but ceiling stains are a common sign.
A water stain on your ceiling may mean your roof has a small leak and water has found its way into your home. However, ceiling stains don’t form overnight (Hunker). It often takes ceiling stains months to form, but some can develop over years due to snow and other weather seeping through your roof. That said, some ceiling stains may take only a few days to form too if the leak is big enough.
If you notice a ceiling stain, it’s probably time to book a roof inspection. And just because you do not have ceiling stains yet, it doesn't mean you do not have a leak.
3. Bargain Offers Are Not Common with Roofing Contractors in Mobile, Alabama
When it comes to exterior home services, such as roofing work, remember to be wary of surprisingly low costs and bargain offers. Contractors offering bottom of the barrel "deals" may lack the proper credentials, training, and expertise to do the job right. If they are offering a shockingly low price, it’s probably because they are cutting corners on the work.
We know that pricing is important to most homeowners. So, if you want to take advantage of a low-cost offer, just make sure your roofing contractor has a credible track record for service and quality.
It’s additionally common for roofers to initially offer a “discount” price for the roofing job, but then they may find ways to increase their final price. A lower starting price may also indicate that the contractor will cut corners on materials and craftsmanship, which could lead to poor quality.
While searching for the right roofer you should always beware of hefty discounts. Make sure to read reviews online and have a solid understanding of what you are paying for.
4. Your Roofing Warranty May Be Void
All roofing supply manufacturers offer different warranties for their products. And installation contractors may offer their own work warranties as well. If you've ever tried to cash in a warranty before, you probably know that it isn't always a straightforward process. All warranties have different criteria for what they cover and when they become void.
Your roof likely has some warranties attached to it, but they might have been voided over the years due to numerous factors. These include things like:
- Improper installation method - Strict guidelines must be followed on how a specific roof product is installed to ensure the warranty is active.
- Inadequate attic ventilation- Poor ventilation systems can cause moisture and heat to be trapped in your attic. This can prematurely age the shingles of your roof and void your warranty.
- Cleaning your roof using a pressure washer - Most shingles aren't designed to withstand the effects of close-range pressure washing.
- Failing to maintain your roof – If you do not keep up with your maintenance to-dos, your roof warranty will likely become void.
Even though your roof may come with a warranty you must be wary of how it was installed and how you maintain it. It is important you work with a reliable local roofer who will ensure your roof will be properly installed and repaired, and that it will hold its warranty.
Upgrade Today with One of the Top Roofing Contractors in Mobile, Alabama
If you're looking for roofers who consistently deliver quality work, you've come to the right place! We prioritize customer service at Ethos Roofing & Restoration, and our roofing specialists are trained in delivering top-notch craftsmanship. We won't beat around the bush or push you into buying something you don't need. We're happy to help and provide our expertise on whatever exterior renovations you need! Our roofers will take time to address your concerns and ensure that your roofing experience is a positive one.
Contact Ethos Roofing & Restoration today to schedule your free roofing inspection with our roofing contractors in Mobile, Alabama.