We know the claims process can feel intimidating, but it doesn't have to be! With our educational guidance, filing your roofing claim will be simple, straightforward, and stress-free.
But First, How Does Your Policy Cover Your Roof?
A standard all-perils homeowners insurance policy will cover your roof and the cost of replacing it if it becomes damaged (Investopedia). However, you're usually covered only if the damage is the result of a sudden accident or an act of nature.
Roof damage from general wear-and-tear is not covered by most home insurance policies. And if the damage is due to your roof exceeding its intended lifespan, those repairs won't be covered either. These are not considered to be "covered perils" because they fall under the "general maintenance" responsibility of the homeowner.
In Colorado, you can only file a claim if the roof of your property has been damaged by inclement weather (e.g., a hailstorm, intense winds, lightning strikes, etc.) or a sudden accident (e.g., a tree falls on your roof, etc.).
How To File Successful Roofing Insurance Claims In Fort Collins, CO
If you've never submitted a claim with your insurer before, you might not know where to start! But with our educational roadmap, you'll get through the process quickly and still submit a strong claim to your provider.
1. Inspect The Property
Before you file a claim, you need to verify that your roof has been damaged by a recent storm or sudden accident. How do you do that? With the help of a roofing contractor in Fort Collins!
Homeowners can spot some signs of roof damage, but you likely lack the necessary knowledge to evaluate the full extent of the damage. Only a reputable roofer will be able to assess the damage in its entirety and verify the exact cause of the damage.
Plus, most trustworthy roofers will offer roofing inspections for FREE!
2. Document All Of The Damage
During their in-depth inspection of your property, remember to ask your roofers to document their findings extensively. Get as many pictures as you can of the roof damage and what caused the damage too (if applicable). If possible, ask your roofer to take a video of the damage too.
The more documentation you have for your claim, the stronger it will be. All of those photos, videos, and written descriptions will add invaluable details to your claim.
3. Submit The Claim
Once you've got all your documents gathered, it's time to submit your claim. You may first want to contact your insurer to see if they have specific procedures for roof repairs and replacements.
Include all of the evidence and information you have gathered in your claim. As an industry professional, your roofing contractor can likely offer some educational insights into the claims process to help strengthen your claim even further.
4. Meet With Your Insurance Adjuster
Once your claim has been submitted, your insurance provider will need to schedule a time to have an insurance adjuster visit your home and verify the details of your claim. They'll inspect your property to check all of the minute things included in your claim.
If possible, it's best to have your roofing contractor present at the time of this inspection. By having your contractor on-site during your adjuster's visit, you'll have a roofing expert to voice any concerns that you may have with the adjuster's findings. That advocation on your behalf can make a big difference in the approval or denial of your claim.
5. Appeal, If Needed
Depending on the circumstances, your roof insurance claim may be denied. Your claim might also be approved, but your insurer may agree to pay far less than the repair or replacement costs. If either one of these scenarios occurs, don't give up just yet!
As a consumer, you have the right to appeal and dispute your claim (ValuePenguin). You can hire a public adjuster to assess the full extent of the damage and then provide a copy of that report to your insurer to appeal your denial or payout amount.
If your appeal is unsuccessful, you can seek legal support from your trusted attorney to help with the claim processing. This might be an expensive route to pursue, but it could be an effective way to get your claim approved.
If all else fails, consider contacting the Colorado Division of Insurance to file a complaint against your insurer. That state agency may investigate your claim, but that doesn't guarantee they'll help turn your claim around.
6. Take Care Of The Repairs
Assuming your claim has been submitted and approved, there's only one thing left to do: Repair your roof!
Now is the time to connect with your trusted roofer to schedule your repairs and to sign your contract. Once that's done, your roof will be repaired shortly, and then you'll be reimbursed later by your insurer to cover the costs of your roof restorations.
Navigate Roofing Insurance Claims In Fort Collins, CO With Ethos
Since 2006, our roofers at Ethos have been helping homeowners in Fort Collins repair and restore their roofs. Throughout plenty of those roofing projects, we've provided homeowners with helpful education and resources to navigate their roofing insurance claims in Fort Collins, CO. And we're ready to provide you with that same education for your benefit too.
Contact Ethos Roofing & Restoration today to schedule your in-depth roof inspection.