If your roof is a recent victim of hail damage or other acts of God, then as long as your family stayed safe and dry it served its purpose! That’s the good news, but the not-so-good news is you are now left with a repair process that requires a few hoops to jump through. Dealing with insurance claims for roof replacement in Denver, CO can be challenging, and while we cannot speak with insurance companies on your behalf, we can still guide you through the whole process.
Dealing With Insurance Claims for Roof Replacement in Denver, CO
You’re doing the right thing by researching information and contractors before moving forward with making a claim, as sometimes it's not your only choice. Today we cover scenarios where you should file a claim, what the filing process entails, and how to choose the best roofing contractors for your replacement.
Ensure Filing a Claim Is Your Best Option
If you’re new to homeownership but have been a car owner for a long time, you know that it isn’t necessary to involve your insurance company for every ding and scratch, depending on the limitations of your policy. The best thing to do when you have experienced damage to your roof is to get a free inspection. Most often, this will be one of the first things required by your insurance, and they sometimes even require getting multiple quotes from different roofing contractors in your area, so you really can’t go wrong.
Your roofing professional will give you a full idea of everything your home needs. It’s possible that the necessary repairs are minor, and it may not be worth the headache of involving insurance if it's an affordable repair. That said, with something like an entire hail damage roof replacement, it is always worth considering all your options. Depending on what your deductible looks like or what is specifically covered in your policy, it might not cost you anything.
The Filing Process You Can Expect
Understanding the steps involved with completing your repairs through an insurance provider can make an otherwise daunting task more approachable, so let's dive in.
Step 1: Reach out to your insurance provider. If you worked with an insurance agent when pursuing your policy, always go to them first, and potentially only speak to your insurer through them. Typically, they are well-versed in everything involved and are licensed to represent you, unlike your roofing contractor.
Step 2: Review your policy. If you’re working with an agent, ask them what you can expect as far as costs and steps directly related to your policy. It’s possible that what caused the damage to your roof may not be covered, or the cost may not reach your deductible, though this is unlikely with things like hail damage roof replacements.
Step 3: Schedule a roofing inspection. If you have already had an inspection done, report your findings to your agent and any other relevant information. Your insurance company may want to perform their own inspection, or adjustment, but you can always have your contractor present for this to ensure everything goes smoothly.
Step 4: Move forward with your claim. Choose the best roofing contractor for your needs who has been approved by your insurance and let everyone involved know that you would like to move forward. Be prepared to follow up with any additional documentation or information that your insurer may need.
Choose the Best Roofing Contractors
We know that there can be many headaches associated with pursuing insurance claims for roof replacement in Denver. Before moving forward with things on your own, why not reach out to our team at Ethos? While we cannot represent you directly, we do deal with roof repairs daily and are happy to be your expert guide.
Head over to our FAQ page to learn more, then reach out to us a for a FREE inspection!