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Roofing, Storm Damage & Home Improvement Blog

How To Handle an Emergency Roofing Repair in Greeley, CO

In a bit of a tough situation? Emergencies with your roof are no joke, and while we’re keen to tell you more about the process of getting through it, the fastest way to get help is by giving us a call. If you have the time to read through our guide here, then we’re excited to talk through the most common catastrophes that happen to Colorado roofs, and how to handle the process of roofing repairs in Greeley.

Common Emergency Roofing Repairs in Greeley, CO

Our climate makes roofs susceptible to various forms of damage. Understanding the common causes can help you react swiftly when disaster strikes.

Heavy Snow & Ice Dams

Snow on your roof might look pretty, but there’s more than you’d think going on underneath. When snow accumulates on your roof, it can weigh down on your home’s structure and lead to leaks, sagging, or even roof collapse in severe cases. Ice dams are another common issue during the winter months. These occur when snow melts and refreezes at the edge of your roof, creating a barrier that prevents proper drainage. Water trapped behind the ice dam can seep into your roof and home, causing water damage, mold, and rot, that needs expensive roofing repair.

High Winds

Colorado can experience high winds year-round, but most commonly in spring and fall. Strong gusts can rip off shingles, flashing, or even entire sections of your roof. These exposed areas leave your home vulnerable to water, which can lead to significant damage, including mold growth, weakened structural integrity, and damaged insulation. When shingles or flashing are torn off by wind, immediate repairs are necessary. Ignoring the need for a roofing repair can allow water to penetrate, leading to much bigger and more expensive issues down the road.


We all know the threat that hail can pose when it comes to cars, but you may not have considered what it can do to roofs. In most cases, hail will only leave minor damage that only becomes serious if left untreated. In other cases though, the hail can be large enough to actually create full permeations, meaning rain is getting through immediately, not just when saturating through overtime. After a hailstorm, it’s essential to inspect your roof for signs of damage, such as dents, bruised shingles, or cracks. If you suspect hail damage, getting a free professional inspection for your roofing in Greeley, CO is the best course of action to assess the full extent of the damage and take the necessary steps for repair.

Another quick fix is patching active leaks using roofing cement or a waterproof material to seal the affected area temporarily. While this is only a short-term solution, it can help minimize damage until a professional repair is scheduled.

Work with a Roofer That Knows Insurance Claims

When the dust has settled, and you’re no longer in an emergency, you need to get insurance involved. Why not choose a contractor that gives guidance to homeowners on handling insurance claims regularly? While Ethos Roofing & Restoration can’t directly represent you, we’ll still help make sure you get the amount you’re entitled to for your roofing repair in Greeley.

Get a Free Estimate for Your Roofing in Greeley, CO

After securing temporary solutions, the next step is to get a professional roofing estimate. Our reliable roofers will thoroughly inspect your roof, assess the damage, and provide you with an accurate estimate of repair costs. You’ll get great benefits by choosing a contractor like Ethos who understands the unique challenges posed by Colorado’s climate and has experience handling emergency repairs.

Give us a call right away if you’ve experienced emergency roof damage, and we’ll come on out for a FREE inspection.

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Choose Ethos General Contractors For Roofing In Denver

The experts at Ethos General Contractors provide high-quality roofing in Denver and the surrounding areas. Whether you're in need of a minor repair or a complete replacement, Ethos has the capability and the expertise to get the job done right. To learn more about our roofing services or to schedule an appointment for a free estimate, fill out our online form. Ethos General Contractors also provides roofing services in Castle Rock, Arvada, Lakewood, Golden, Aurora, Fort Collins, Loveland, Parker, Highlands Ranch, Littleton, Centennial, and surrounding communities.

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