The days are longer, the sun is brighter, the storms are scarier. It is officially hail season in Colorado and that means pulling cars into the garage, securing your outdoor furniture, and crossing your fingers that your home doesn’t get hit with golf ball size hail this year like it did last year or the year before. If you’ve lived in central Colorado for any period of time, you know that hail is no joke for homeowners in Parker and the surrounding suburbs. While we’d have to say that a little hail damage is a small price to pay for a Rocky Mountain view and 300+ days of sunshine every year, we also understand what you’re feeling when you discover that you have hail damage in Parker. If you find yourself thinking, “what in the world do I do now?” we’ve got the answers you’re looking for.
Before Hail Season Hits Colorado
We know having all your ducks in a row come storm season is easier said than done, but it’s never too late to check in on some of these storm season prep tasks.
Get Familiar With Your Insurance Policy
Before the threat of hail damage in Parker looms, we recommend taking a good, hard look at your insurance policy. Even if you think you already know what it says, it doesn’t hurt to look again. Homeowners insurance, especially here in Colorado, is a constantly changing industry and the best practices evolve rapidly. More and more often, we are seeing percentage deductibles for wind and hail damage becoming standard practice. This change may not seem like a big deal, but when it comes time to evaluate hail damage in Parker and, all of a sudden, your deductible is 1% of the total value of your home, you may be singing another tune. Should your coverage change, your insurance company need only include a cover letter in your annual policy renewal noting the changes and this is easily missed if you’re not looking for it. If you have any questions - or even think you might have a question - give your agent a call. You likely choose to work with them when you got your policy because you trusted them and there’s no better time to ask questions about your coverage than before you experience property damage.
Before Or During Hail Season
The earlier you can address items related to taking care of your property, the better. We know this isn’t always possible, though.
Start Vetting Local Contractors
Even if you don’t have hail damage in Parker after the first few storms of the season, it doesn’t hurt to start doing your research on local contractors. Many factors can weigh into your decision to hire a specific contractor and the stress of hail damage that’s already occurred shouldn’t have to be one of them.
When a storm hits, you see both local and national roofers coming into neighborhoods that were affected by the hail. Many of them will offer incentives - some more white hat than others - to hire them to handle your hail damage in Parker. This situation makes it challenging to perform the kind of thorough research you really want to do before you spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on a roof repair. Check out our guide to selecting a reputable roofing contractor before start talking to roofing companies so that you can make the best choice for your home. By eliminating the urgency in your decision and having a contractor to handle your hail damage before it happens, you can feel more confident in your choice.
After Hail Season In Colorado
If your property is affected by hail damage in Parker, it can feel like hail season never ends. The repair process, even with the best hail damage contractors, takes some time, especially if you’re filing an insurance claim.
Share Your Experience With Your Parker Roofing Company
At Ethos, a large percentage of our business is referral, whether person to person or on review boards like Angie’s List or Home Advisor. Why? Because people want to make sure they can trust their roofing contractor and the best way to know that is by hearing about others’ experiences. Regardless of who you choose to handle your hail damage in Parker, they will most certainly appreciate you sharing your experience through an online review or an in-person referral.
What To Do When You Have Hail Damage In Parker
Hail season comes on strong every year in Colorado. Some may consider the location lucky because the demand for hail damage repair has built up a robust industry of reputable roofing companies in the area. If you have hail damage on your Parker home or in a surrounding neighborhood, first and foremost, don’t stress. Then, give Ethos General Contractors a call and our hail damage experts will come out and perform a complimentary hail damage inspection to give you an idea of how much, if any, hail damage you’re truly looking at.
With the right roofing company on your side, hail damage in Parker is no problem.