Prepping for Hail: Advice from Castle Rock Roofing Pros
Every Colorado resident knows to expect hail from the spring into the fall. Colorado sits within the notorious “hail alley” of North America, which means we can generally expect to see a few hailstorms throughout the year. And trust us: Colorado is overdue for a major hailstorm. Now is the right time to start calling Castle Rock roofing companies to prepare their properties for the impending hailstorms.
The Exclusive Hail Damage Prevention Guide For 2019
In the state of Colorado, hail damage is a very serious and very frequent threat. When cooler winds out of the north meet warm, humid weather from the south, central Colorado homeowners are at risk. Every year, we help hundreds of property owners repair damage to their homes. In some cases, the damage is inevitable, but in others, the severity could have been minimized or avoided altogether. Our roof repair experts have put together an all-inclusive hail damage prevention guide to help you navigate yet another summer in Hail Alley.